1. Black market activities and transactions may damage your reputation : Since bitcoin is the famous cryptocurrency hackers and criminals try to attack the site if they could not they get the most achievable loophole to attack someone personally. This may affect the reputation of someone. So you should be more careful when using not only bitcoin but also any cryptocurrency.
2. No revising and refunds : Well, this acts according to a blockchain so that any transaction cannot be revised or refund with any situation or any condition. The law is equal to everyone who is involved in bitcoins. Also since there is no authorized person or an organization you can not take any action or do any complaint of something went wrong.
3. Environmental ills due to bitcoin mining : Bitcoin mining consumes a lot more electricity. According to Business Insider, they mention that some of the biggest bitcoin mining companies are based in China where most power comes from dirty coal plants and horrific smog routinely makes even low key outdoor activity unsafe for healthy adults. In the long term, we will have no emission energy power production. So it is a severe threat to the planet